2021. Gong, Z. M. Postsyntactic Lowering and linear relations in Dagur noun phrases. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics. 6(1), 42. DOI:
To appear. Gong, Z. M. Scrambling and reconstruction asymmetries. in University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 28.1.
2020. Gong, Z. M. The POSS-final suffix order in Dagur. in The Proceedings of 50th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society.
In revision. Case in wholesale late merger: evidence from Mongolian scrambling. (contact me for manuscript)
Abstract: Takahashi and Hulsey (2009) suggest that wholesale late merger is controlled by case. This paper presents novel evidence for this idea from the Condition C reconstruction effects in Mongolian local and long distance scrambling. Departing from previous accounts, I argue that the complexity of the phenomenon reveals that Condition C connectivity is neither related to underlying binders, nor to the A/A′-properties – Scrambling bleeds Condition C, so long as the case requirement of the late-merged NP can be satisfied. Crucially, I develop a hybrid case system for Mongolian in which accusative case is assigned as a dependent case. I show that this is both necessary and independently motivated, thereby introducing a fine-grained view of case into the WLM mechanism.
In preparation. A/A’-operations at the clausal periphery: Agree, movement, and the interpretation of chains. [draft manuscript]
selected presentations
2021 Condition C reconstruction revisited: scrambling, late merger, and the A/A′-distinction in Mongolian. [handout] Syracuse-Cornell Word Order/Scrambling Workshop.
2021 Late Merger in scrambling — A Mongolian case study. [handout] [abstract] PLC45, University of Pennsylvania (online).
2019 The POSS -final suffix order in Dagur. [handout] NELS 50, MIT.
2019 A lowering analysis of the Dagur CASE-POSS order. [abstract] WAFL15, Lomonosov Moscow State University.